Student Life
学者 consume a lot of time and attention at bbin娱乐平台, but studying is far from all that our students do.
Research has shown that student involvement in out-of-classroom activities correlates with increased happiness and greater academic success. At Boston University Academy, we encourage meaningful student participation in arts, 体育运动, 俱乐部, school leadership, community service, and school-wide events as a means to pursue non-academic interests, stay healthy, enjoy creative outlets, reduce stress, and build community.
What does student life at bbin娱乐平台 look like?
- 50+ student 俱乐部 and activities
- 15 interscholastic and recreational sports
- 12+ dances, school trips, festivals, and more
View the full list of student 俱乐部 and activities here
- 艺术俱乐部
- Aspiring Medical Students Association (ASMA)
- Asian American Culture Club (AACC)
- 烘焙俱乐部
- Beamline Club
- Biology Club
- bbin娱乐平台 Model United Nations
- bbin娱乐平台 YouTube Tech Reviewers Club
- Bullet Journal Club (Bujo Club)
- Chemistry Club
- 国际象棋俱乐部
- Computer Science Club (CS Club)
- Community Service
- Cooking Club
- Debate Club
- 戏剧俱乐部
- Fashion Design & Sewing Club (Fashion Club)
- FIRST Robotics Team 246 Overclocked (Robotics)
- Fitness Club
- Geography Club
- Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA)
- Indian Alliance Club
- Informatics and Programming Team
- Jewish Student Organization (JSO)
- Koi Comic Club (KCC)
- Literary Magazine (LitMag; MUSE)
- 数学小组
- Mental Health Awareness Club
- 模拟试验
- Model United Nations (MUN)
- Music Fusion Club
- Music Production Club
- Nerdy Games Club
- 郊游俱乐部
- Pickle Ball Club
- Political, Economic and Philosophical Theory Club (PEP)
- Philosophy Club
- The Scarlet Letter
- Science Team
- Senior Play
- Shakespeare Club (or Bard Club)
- Social Games Club
- Stock Market Club
- Student Council
- Student Life Improvement Club (SLIC)
- Sustainability Club
- 年鉴
Interscholastic 体育运动 and Club Sports
- Soccer, Varsity (女生)
- Soccer, JV (男女同校的)
- Cross Country, Varsity (女生)
- 排球 (俱乐部)
Winter Sports
- Basketball, Varsity (男孩)
- Basketball, Varsity (女孩)
- Basketball, JV (男孩)
- Fencing, Varsity (男孩)
- Fencing, Varsity (女孩)
- 排球 (俱乐部)
Spring Sports
- 机组人员 (女生)
- 网球 (女生)
- Ultimate Frisbee (女生)
- 航行 (俱乐部)